Kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013
Kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013

kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013

My studying must began by me right now.Į. My studying must begin by me right now.ĭ. My studying must have been begin by me right now.Ĭ. My studying must be begin by me right now.ī. Popcorn was being ate by Tiara at the cinema.ĥ0. Popcorn was being eaten by Tiara at the cinema.Į. Popcorn is eaten by Tiara at the cinema.ĭ. Popcorn was eaten by Tiara at the cinema.Ĭ. Popcorn is being eaten by Tiara at the cinema.ī. “Tiara was eating popcorn at the cinema.”Ī. Math has been study by Juan for a test.Ĥ9. Math has been studied by Juan for a test.Ĭ. A new palace will built by the government.ī. A new palace will be build by the government.Į. A new palace will be built by the government.ĭ. A new palace will be build by the government.Ĭ. “Government will build a new palace next year.”Ī. A few houses destroyed by a hurricane.Ĥ7. A few houses are destroyed by a hurricane.Į. A few houses is destroyed by a hurricane.ĭ. A few houses was destroyed by a hurricane.Ĭ. A few houses were destroyed by a hurricane.ī. The scenery is being drawn by studentsĤ6. The scenery are being drawn by studentsĮ. The window were broken by her yesterday.Ĭ. The window was broken by her yesterday.Į. The window is being broken by her yesterday.ĭ. Jackets were being worn by them in the class.Ĭ. Jackets are being worn by them in the class.Į. Jackets is being worn by them in the class.ĭ. Jackets are being wore by them in the class.Ĭ. Jackets were being wore by them in the class.ī. “They are wearing jackets in the class.”Ī. A letter was written by Omar last night.Ĥ3.

kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013

A letter is being wrote by Omar last night.Į. A letter are written by Omar last night.ĭ. A letter is written by Omar last night.Ĭ. Kunci jawaban soal pendalaman materi sosiologi kelas xi. Kali ini saya akan membagikan kunci jawaban buku pkn kelas 10 kurikulum 2013 uji kompetensi bab 4. Kelas x & kunci jawaban (2014) soal essay sosiologi kelas xi. Jawaban esai evaluasi bab 11 pai halaman 195. A letter were written by Omar last night.ī. Kunci jawaban sejarah indonesia intan pariwara kelas 11.

kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013

Maldive will be travelled by Andi last year.Ī. Maldive is travelled by Andi last year.ĭ. Maldive was travelled by Andi last year.ī. Inggris kelas xi semester ganjil Kurtilas dengan kunci jawaban, dimulai dari soal nomor 41.Ĭhoose the correct answer by crossing a, b, c, d, or e! 41. ( Baca juga bahan yang sama dalam bentuk essai/uraian: Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta Jawaban Part-3 )īerikut, soal pilihan ganda b. Dan soal-soal penggalan ke-5 merupakan bahan baru, yang berbeda dengan soal PG penggalan ke-4 (soal nomor 31-40). Keduanya merupakan bahan sehabis siswa menyelesaian pekan tengah semester/ujian tengah semester b. Inggris kelas 11 semester satu kurikulum 2013 perihal Analytical exposition dan Passive Voice. Contoh Soal PG Bahasa Inggris Kelas XI Semester 1 K13 Beserta Jawaban Part-5 berisikan penggalan B.

Kunci jawaban ujian sosiologi kelas 11 kurikulum 2013